Anyone Else?

Does anyone else hate how quick this year is going? January was a bit of a drag, but the rest of the year is just flying by! 

It's been so busy that I forgot to post last month! With February having only 28 days, myself and Lucy didn't get a couple days break and it threw me off! The blog was nowhere in my mind until yesterday! So apologies! 

As always here some of the amazing pics we spied on Instagram over the last couple months... keep the pics and posts coming, they make our day!



The Pastel Goth box is up and running low already, so grab one now if you haven't! Thank you to those who requested this theme, and a big thank you to everyone who buys a box or supports us in some way, you have no idea how much your continued support means to us! We couldn't do this without people like you so thank you!

Please keep the theme ideas coming in! We do not decide what we are doing until a week, sometimes just a few days before the 28th so we're always looking for new ideas and ones we can have some fun with!

Extra Memento Mori boxes coming back very soon! The giveaway will also be coming this week so stay tuned! 👀